Classification Of Animal Kingdom


Classification Of Animal Kingdom


                                             Classification means grouping of certain kind of animals in a certain group to study an individual of a group to study whole members of that group. Sweden based scientist Carl Linnaeus was the first person to introduce the modern concept of Animal Kingdom in 18th Century. He Divide animal Kingdom into two part—Planate and Animalia in his book “Systema Nature”. Therefore he is called “Father Of Taxonomy”.

Five Kingdom Classification :-    

                                                                      Five Kingdom Classification was proposed by American Scientist R. H. Whittaker in 1969, which completely replace Two Animal Kingdom Theory Of Linnaeus. In Five Kingdom Classification entire kingdom classified into :-

1) Monera :- In Monera kingdom the prokaryotic organism is included. Under this kingdom Bacteria, Filamentous bacteria, blue green algae etc have been included.

 2) Protista :- In the Protista Kingdom includes all unicellular animal specially which are living in aquatic habitats come under autotropic, parasitic and saprophytic nutrition. Protozoa are also come under this kingdom.

                          Euglena belonging to this Kingdom placed between Plant and Animal because in have bot Autotrophic and Heterotrophic nutrition.  


3) Fungi :- In Fungi Kingdom animal are saprophytic or Parasitic. This kingdom animal are eukaryotic and grows on dead and decaying organic matters. Example of this kingdom are Mushroom, Albugo etc. In this kingdom animals cell wall compose of chitin. 

4) Plantae :- All green plants which are autotrophic are comes in The Plantae Kingdom. But Algae, Fungi and Protista does not belong to this kingdom.

5) Animalia :- All the multicellular creature comes under this kingdom. In this kingdom animal generally consumer, and metazoan. Animals like Mammals, Birds, reptiles, Fishes etc comes under this kingdom.  
