Effects Of Air Pollution By Different Pollutant


Effects Of Air Pollution By Different Pollutant





Health Effects

Nitrogen Oxides

Thermal power plant,

industries and vehicles

Irritation and inflammation of lungs, breathlessness,

impairs enzyme function in respiratory system and causes

bronchitis and asthma

Sulphur Oxides

Thermal power plants,

Industries, Volcano Eruption etc

Eye and throat irritation, cough, allergies, impairs enzyme

function in respiratory system. Reduces exchange of gases

from lung surface

Carbon Monoxide

Vehicular emissions and

burning of fossil fuels

Difficulty in breathing,  headaches, Decrease Of Oxygen Supply Of Blood. irritation to

mucous membrane, unconsciousness and death,

Carbon Dioxide

Burning of fossil fuels

Impairs reflexes, judgment and vision, severe headaches

and heart strain.

Suspended Particulate


Vehicular emissions and

burning of fossil fuels

Lung irritation reduces development of RBC and cause

pulmonary malfunctioning


Industries and vehicular


Respiratory problems and intense irritation to the eyes


Refrigerators, sprays,

emissions from jets

Depletion of stratospheric ozone layer, global warming



Automobile emissions


Breathlessness, asthma, wheezing, chest pain, emphysema

and chronic bronchitis


Tobacco Smoke

Cigarettes, cigars etc

Chronic bronchitis, asthma and lung cancer, irritation of

eyes, nose and throat.



Nervous disorders, insomnia, memory loss, excitability,

irritation, tremor, gingivitis and minamata disease.


Leaded petrol emissions

Damage to brain and central nervous system, kidneys and

brains, impaired intelligence and interference with

development of RBCs



Affects the heart

Silica dust

Silicon quarries

Silicosis affects the lungs

Cotton dust

Cotton textile factories

Byssinosis involves destruction of lung tissues, chronic

cough, bronchitis and emphysema

Radioactive pollutan

Cosmic rays, x-rays, beta rays,

radon and radium

Destroy living tissues and blood cells; affect cell membrane

and cell enzyme functions, leukemia, and permanent

genetic changes



