Famous Harappan Sites and Archaeological Finds



Famous Harappan Sites and Archaeological Finds



Archaeological Finds


a) Two rows Of Six Granaries

b) Evidence of Coffin burial and Cemetery (R-37, H)

c) Two Red stone idols of Dancing girl, naked bust of Male

d) Stone Symbol of Lingam (Male Sex Organ), Yoni (Female Sex Organ)

e) Prof of mother goddess

d) Evidance of trade with Mesopotamis



(Mound Of Dead)

a) Great Bath (Largest Building Of Civilization)

b) Multi Pillared assembly Hall

c) Great granary

d) Pashupati Mahadeva/Proto Shiva

e) Bronze Dancing Girl

f) Violent Death Of Some In human

g) Painting Seals.

h) Clay Figurers Of Mother Goddess

i) Evidence Of ships


a) Dockyard

b) Rice Husk

c) Metal Workers, Shell Ornament Workers

d) House with entrances on main street

e) Evidence of Double Burial.

f) Terracotta figure of horse.

g) Painting jar


a) Ploughed field surface

b) 7 fire alter showing practice of cult of sacrifice

c) bones of camels

d) Mesopotamian cylindrical seal

e) evidence of Pre-Harappan civilization

f) Decorative bricks used in flooring only this site


a) City without citadel

b) evidence of Pre-Harappan and mature Harappan culture

c) Inkpot, Lipstick, shell ornaments, bead makers

d) Imprint of dog’s paw

e) No fortified stucture


a) evidence of Pre-Harappan and mature Harappan culture

b) Flakes

c) Yellow and Grey color pots


a) Lack of systematic drainage system

b) toy plough

c) Fire Alter


a) evidence of late Harappan Culture

b) Pottery and beads

Rakhigarhi (Largest Indus Valley Civilization Site and Town)

a) evidence of Pre-Harappan, mature Harappan culture and late Harappan Culture.

b) A thick, sturdy red ware with an incised female figure has been found with similar pose of Dancing Girl of Mohenjodaro


a) evidence of Pre-Harappan Culture

b) Fire alter

c) Evidence of rhinoceros


a) Pre-Harappan Culture.

b) House made of stone

c) Evidence of city which destroy by force.


a) Cemetery

b) Earthen Pot

C) House of Stone and Clay/Soil

d) Evidence of burying Dog with human.


a) Bones of horse

b) Oval shaped graveyard.


a) Unique water harnessing system

b) Strom water drainage system

c) Water reservoir.

d) Only site divided un three parts

e) A stadium


a) Ash filled pot

b) copper axe, bangles

c) Evidence of trade with Babylon


