Harappan Civilisation/Indus Civilization


Harappan Civilisation/Indus Civilization


                    Harrappan Cavitation was the first urban civilization of south Asia, contemporary of Mesopotamian and Egyptian Civilization. By carbon-14 dating most acceptable period is 2500BC -175BC. John Marshal and Earlier historian to use the term Indus Civilization. Harappanlization/Indus Civ belong to Chalcolithic Age or Bronze age.

                    Harappa was the first site which was discovered by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921. But major civilization was spread over Indus river region. The Harappan Civilization can be divided into three distinct phases:-

1) The Early/Pre-Harappan Phase.

2) Mature Harappan Phase.

3) Late Harappan Phase.

                    Harappan/Indus valley  civilization was spread over Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujrat Western Uttar Pradesh, Northern Maharashtra.


General Feature Of The Civilization

Town Palning:-      

                          Harappan Civilization is known for its urban city planning Harappan      City was divided into two parts, First part occupied by mainly ruler of the city which is called Citadel or Rised Part. It was contained public building, granaries and important workshops. And second part where common citizen lived is called Lower Part.

                           The street were wide and dividing the town into rectangular shaped, and there were lamp-post in every street. They used burnt bricks in 1:2:4 ration in term of thickness, width and lenth respectively. There was two or three storeys houses and no windows faced road side.

                            They had the exelent underground drainage system. Main discovery was the The Great Bath in  Mahenjodaro. And also in Dholavira a unique water harvesting system was found with large well and giant water reservoir.


Arts and Society:-  

                               Harappan society was mainly Urban society. They were great expert in use of potter wheels. They mainly used red and black pottey.

                  Cupper, bronze and silver were known to the people but Iron was not known, and they was great in metallurgy. A lot of terracotta figures like animal, female figures etc found. Sheep, goat, humped and humbles bull, dog, cat, rhinoceros etc was known to the harappan people, but Lion was not known. A single instance of Indian rhinoceros was found in Amari.

                   Harappan people generally wore cotton or wool garments. And they mainly consume non vegetarian food. Milk product was common. There in enough evidence that they largely consumed wheat and barley.

                    Harappan script was pictographic and logosyllabic. They write right to left or left to right which is called Boustrophedon. The origin of Swastika Symbol  found in harappan civilization.


Economy and Exoprt:-  

                                     There was evidence of trade between harappan civilization to Mesopotamian and Persian civilization. And also Sumerian text refer to trade with Meluha which was the name of Harappan/Indus Civilization.  Mesopotamian test refer Dilmun, Makan and Meluha as a trading station. Susa and Ur are Mesopotamian site where Harappan seal was found.

                        Also in Persian Gulf like Failaka and Bahrain have also founed Harappan seal. Agricultural products, Cotton Goods, Terracotta figure, certain beads etc were exported. There was a bead making factories found in Chanhudaro and lothal. Indus people first to produce the Cotton. Greeks called it Sindon.

                     Sea port have been found in Rangpur, Lothal. A donkeyard has been found in lothal. Barter was the main method of exchange of good. There was no evidence of coins.



                   In Harappan civilization no temple was found, that’s why it is believed that Harappan people did not worship their gods in temple. It was a secular society.

              The most commonly found figuries is the mother goddess/matridevi/Shakti. They also worshiped of Yoni/female sex organ and Lingam/male sex organ. Chief male deity was the Pasupati mahadeva represented in seal as sitting in yogic posture surrounded bu Elephant, tiger, rhino and buffalo and two deer appear at his feet.

            Dead bodies were placed in north south direction. Ther there was was three method of burial. There is evidence of animal sacrifice.



                       The harappan people grew wheat, barley, horse gram, peas garlic, mustard etc. they produce sufficient food grain. And to store food they used granaries.

                        There is evidence of rearing of animals. Dog and cats also domesticated. In ropar dog with men in grave have been found. From surkotada the remains of horse have been found. Wooden ploughs have been discovers at kalibangan.