Rig Vedic/Early Vedic Period and Later Vedic Period


Vedic Period


(Rig Vedic/Early Vedic Period and Later Vedic Period)


            Rig Vedic People called The Aryan. The Indo-Aryan term refers to speakers of the Indo-Iranian branch of Indo- European Language. The location of origin of the home of Aryans still a controversial point. Some scholars like Dr. Sampurnanand and A.C. Das believes than Aryans was indigenous to the subcontinent.

                 Scholar like Sir William Jones, Giles, P. Nehring believes Aryans came from Europe, on basis of  comparative linguistics of Greek, Latin and Sanskrit. And also some scholars like Max Miller, E. Meyer believes Aryans came from Central Asia on the basis of linguistic relation.

                Early Aryans lived in the land of Sapta Sindhu, which comprise The Indus River and its Five tributaries, namely Vatista (Jhelum), Bipasa (Beas), Askini (Chenab), Purushni (Ravi), Sutudri (Sutlej) And The Saraswati. All of them Saraswati was most precious river. Mention of ganga just one time and Yamuna Twice.

               Vedic Period is generally divided into Early Vedic Period and Later Vedic Period.


Early Vedic Period/Rig Vedic Period


         Veda  has been derive from “vid”, which mean to know/knowledge. It is called Shruti, Shruti means which have been heard, and transmitted orally.

       Vedic Literature comprising of four products

a) Rig Veda                                              b) Sama Veda

c) Yajur Veda                                          d) Atharva Veda


Rig Veda      Rig veda is a collection of 1028 hymns, divided in 10 mandals. Rig veda is the oldest text in the world, it is also known as the “The First Testament Of Mankind”.

                II to VII mandals is called family books/Gotra/Vamsha Mandals/Kula Granth, as it describe some particular  families of rishis.

                Mandal I and X are said to have been added later. And Madals X contain famous Purushukta, which explain four varna – Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra.

Sama Veda    Sama Veda is the collection of verses arranged in a poetic forms. The Sama Veda Contain 1810 melodies, and 1549 verses. It is important for Indian Music. It contain the famous Dhupad Raga, Later sung by Tansen.


Yajur Veda    Yajur Veda is aritual veda, book of Performance of Sacrifice. Yajur Veda divided into two part, 


a) Shukla Yajur Veda/White Yajur Veda

b) Krishna Yajur Veda/Black Yajur Veda.


Atharva Veda    Atharva Veda is a book of magical Formulae, collection of magic spell, charms to ward off evils and disease.

 Brahmanas    The brahmanas explain the rules for performance of sacrifice ceremonies. They describe the hymns of the vedas. Above all bhamanas Satapatha brahamanas was the most important, which attach on Yajur veda. Every Vedas has several Brahamanas attached to it like,

Rig Veda

Aitareya and Kaushitik/Sankhyan

Sama Veda

Panchvisha, Shadvinsh, Jaiminaya

Yajur Veda

Shatapatha Taittariya

Atharva Veda



Aranyakas:- Aranyakar means “Forest Text”. It oppose the sacrifice and mainly preferred harmits living in the forest.

Upanishads :- Upanishads are the philosophical text only focused on life, universe, self, body etc. It literally meaning “To sit near someone”. They are generally called Vedanta. There are total 108 Upanishad. Of which 13 are most important.

     Mandukyopanishad is the largest Upanishad. In Chandogya Upanishad referred two types of marriage,


Anuloma Marriage

Marriage between same varna or below varna of the Man.

Pratiloma Marriage

Marriage of a girl or a woman with lower varna Man.

 Vedanta:- Vedanta means “End of the vedas”. Vedanta condemn sacrifice and many ceremonies.

Vedanga:-   There are six Vedanga:-

1) Shiksha (Phonetics)

2) Kalpa Sutra(Rituals)

3) Jyotisha(Astronomy)

4) Vyakarna(Grammar)

5) Chanda(Matrics)

6) Nirukta(Etymology)


Smrities:- There are 6 Famous smritis,

1) Manu Smriti:-Oldest smriti, written in pre gupta perion.

2) Yajnavalhan Smriti:- Pre Gupta Period.  

3) Narad Smriti:- Gupta Period

4) Parashara Smriti :- Gupta Period

5) Brihaspati Smriti :- Gupta Period

6) Katyayana Smriti :- Gupta Period


Puranas:- Purana means “Old”. In the purana there are meantion of four ages/yugar, Satya Yug, Treta Yug, Dvapara Yug, and Kali Yug.

There are total 14 famouse puranas, like Brahma Purana, Narad Purana, Padma Purana, Vishnu Purana, Matsya Purana etc. Matsya Purana is the oldest purana above all.


Mahakavyas/Epics:- There are two epics in indian vidic period,

a) Ramayana:-

                             Ramayana compose between 400BC to 300CE By Valmiki. It is oldest epic in the World, also called “Adi Kavya”. It contains of 24,000 verses.

b) Mahabharata :-

                                    Mahabharata compose between 400BC to 300CE By Ved Vyas. It is the Largest Epic In The World with 1 lakh verses and 18 Parvas or Books or Chapters.


Reg Vedic Society:-  Reg Vedic Society comprise four varna system                        namely Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaisha, and Shudra but this division was not based on birth. Member of a family could took different occupation. In this hymn a person says :-

                                                                            “I am a poet, my fater is a physician, and my mother grinds grain upon the stone. Striving for wealth, with varied plans, we follow our desires like cattle.”

                      The unit of society was Kula/Family with Patriarchal in nature and head of the family was kulapa. Some kula combained creats vis or clans. And one or more than one clans made Jana or Tribe. There is no evidence of child marriage, Sati or purdah system. Widow can marry there husband’s brother which is called Niyoga. And there are some evidence of polygamy and polyandry.

                    Aryan tribes were called janas and their chief was known as Gopati. Panis were regarded as enemy of Gopati, because they hide the cattle of Aryans in the forest. There is many evidence of war between Gopati and Panis. 


Rig Vedic Economy :-



Rig Vedic Religion :-   Rig Vedic religion was reflect Nature worship. There was no evidence of temple nor any idol worship. But there was evidence of animal sacrifice but killing of cow was considered aghnya that means Not to be Killed. Rig Vedic Religion was Henotheism. Some of deities worshipped by The Rig Vedic People were as follow :-


Indra:- Indra, also known as Purandhara, means destroyer of fort was the most important god of the rig vedic people. 250 Hymns are attributed to Indra.

Agni :- Agni was the 2nd most important god of rig vedic people. Agni was regarded The Intermediary Between Man And God. 200 hymns are attributed to Agni.

Varuna:- Varuna Personified as The Water. Look After Rita or The Cosmic Order. Agni was ethically highest god of Rig Vedic People.

Soma:- Soma was the god of plants or king of the god.

Yama:- Yama was the god of Death.

Rudra:- Rudra regarded as the god of animal. Lived In the Mountain.

Pushan:- Pushan was the god of The Marriage and also God of Jungles, Herdsmen. Main function guarding herdsmen, protect cattle.

And other godes are, Surya, Savitri (Gayatri Mantra attributed to her), Aditi (Goddess of eternity and mother of other gods), Prithvi (Earth God), Vishnu, Vayu (Wind God) etc.



Later Vedic Period(1000BC-500BC)


                           During the Later Vedic Period settlement shifted to Kuru-Panchal region which was comprising Upper Gangas Vally. The war were fought for the Territories instead of Cow. The expansion of the Aryan people towards the ganges vally was indicated in Satapatha Brahmana. Evidence of election of king or chief were found in later vedic period.


Later Vedic Society :-  Later Vedic Society was called Dharma-Ashrama-Dharma scciety because in later vedic period society was clearly divided into Four Varna : a) Brahamanas b) Kshatriyas c) Vaishyas and d) Shudras. Even in Jabala Upanishad first evidence of four  Ashramas  a) Brahmacharya b) Grihasta c) Vanaprasta d) Sanyasa were found in Later Vedic Period.

                                   In later vedic period position of women were declined. There was the evidence in Atareya Brahmana where daughter were indicated as sources of misery but son as protector of family. And even there was the evidence of rare instance of Sati and Child Marriage.

                                  The term “Gotra” first appeared in the later vedic period.

 Types Of Marriage in Later Vedic Pediod    


Brahma Vivaha

Marriage with dowry system.

Daiva Vivaha

Marriage to the girl who given to the priest as his fees.

Arsha Vivaha

Marriage with girl after giving bride price.

Prajapatya Vivaha

Marriage with a girl without any bride price.

Gandharva Vivaha

Love marriage.

Asura Vivaha

Marriage a girl who purchased.

Rakshasa Vivaha

Marriage with defeated kings daughter or with kidnapping girl.

Pichacha Vivaha

Marriage to a girl after seducing her or raping her.



Later Vedic Economy :-       In Later vedic period land was more important than cow and there was a gradual increase of agricultural economy.  Rice, barley, wheat were mainly cultivated in this time. There was evidence in Sathapatha Brahmana to cut and burn the forest to cultivated land.

                      There was evidence of Tin, lead, silver, iron, gold were known to later vedic people. In the later vedic people had obtained knowledge of glass manufacturing process. Nishka was used as a convenient unit of value but exchange was still via barter.  And there was evidence of collection of tax .


Later Vedic Religion :-       In the later vedic religion Prajapati/Brahma, the creator of the universe, Vishnu, god of patron and Rudra/shiva, God of animal was more important than Indra and Agni. Where Pushan, god of to protect cattle was become the god of Shudra.