Ancient History :- Haryanka Dynasty (Magadha)



Haryanka Dynasty (Magadha)


              Founder :- Probably the grandfather of Bimbisara in 566BC. But the real founder is Bimbisara.


Bimbisara (544BC-492BC)


               Bimbisara is regarded as the real founder of Haryanka Dynasty. Contemporary of Buddha an Mahavira.

               The capita of Haryanka dynasty was in Rajgriha or Girivraja, city which almost impregnable. It was surrounded by five hills, and main gate was well protected.

               He strengthened his position by three matrimonial alliances. He married to the princes of kosala named Mahakosala, sister of Prosenjit. Second wife was the Lichchhavi Princes chellana. And third wife was daughter of the chief of the Madra clan.

                He gained the part of Kashi as dowry when he married to the princes of kosala, the sister of Prosenjit.

                Earlier, Avanty King Pradyota was his rival but later become friend, and even Bimbisara sent a royal physical, Jivaka to Ujjain, when Pradyota got jaundice. 

                He also conquered Anga by defeating Brahmadatta.

                He built the city New Rajagriha.




              Ajatashatru was the son of Bimbisra and Lichchhavi Ptincess Chellana. It is believed that Ajatashatru killed his father and seized the throne.

                Ajatashatru followed a more aggressive policy. He conquered many cities through military conquest.

               He gained complete control over kosala by attaching his maternal uncle Prosenjit. Aggrieved by the treatment meted out to Bimbisara, Prosenjit asked to return Kashi, but Ajatashatru refused to do so. As a result, it broke the war between them. After many war Prosenjit agreed to leave Kashi with Magadha.

                He was the first to used War Engine, to throw stone and Chariot with mace for mass destruction.

                He also built fort in Rajagriha and watch fort in Village Patali.

                During his time Buddha died. And he arranged the First Biddhist Council in Rajagriha in 483BC. 



Udayin (460BC-444BC)


              Ajatashatru was succeeded by his son Udayin or Udayabhadra.

             His regime was important because he found the city Pataliputra at the confluence of Ganga and Son Rivers, and shifted his capital Rajagriha to Patalipura. 

            It is believed that he was murdered by the Palaka, the king of Avanti.

            Udayin was succeeded by some weak ruler, this lead to broke the dynasty.
