White Mutiny of 1861



White Mutiny of 1861


                                     After the Revolt of 1857 or Sepoy Munity, real power of the the British India shifted to the Crown by the Government of India Act of 1858. From that India was ruled in name of British Crown. And until 1861 there was two kind of forces in India. One Under British Crown who called  The Queen’s Army comprising only British peoples. And the Other was under British East India Company which called Company’s Troops comprising both British peoples as well as native Indian Peoples.


                                   The Company’s Troops had received Batta, which was extra extra allowances of pay to cover various expenditures relating to operations out of the home territories. But The Queen’s army did not receive it beside there post and rank was higher than The Company’s Troops. Which create a resentment among the forces when the Batta was stopped by the transfer of power. And this resentment is called White Mutiny of 1861. They demanded an enlistment bonus or a choice of release from their obligations.


                                    But British India could not afford another mutiny after the The Sepoy Munity of 1857. So at last the demand for free and clear release with free passage home was accepted, and men opted to return home.

