General Science Quiz | 29th Nov 2021



General Science Quiz



Q1. The vitamin which is generally excreted in urine is ?

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin C

(d) Vitamin D


Q2. What is the mass of Proton ?

(a) 1.672 × 10-27 kilograms

(b) 9.1 × 10-31 kilograms

(c) 1.61 × 10-27 kilograms

(d) 1.672 × 10-29 kilograms


Q3. Minerals are :

(a) Liquids

(b) Inorganic solids

(c) Gases

(d) All of the above


Q4. Who speculated that our universe is expanding ?

(a) Newton

(b) Edwin Hubble

(c) Gallileo

(d) Copernicus



Q5. Which one among the following is a major source of sugar?

(a) Water Melon

(b) Beetroot

(c) Sugarcane

(d) Date


Q6. In which of the following during the emitted of radioactive rays, no changes occur in the mass/charge ?

(a) β-emission

(b) γ- emission

(c) Oxidation

(d) α- emission


Q7. Who is called the father of computer ?

(a) Herman Holerith

(b) Charles Babbage

(c) Wales Pascle

(d) Wan Newmaan


Q8. Unit of Work ?

(a) Joule

(b) Newton

(c) Watt

(d) Dyne



Q9. One light year is equal to ?

(a)  9.4607×1013 Meter

(b) 9.4607×1018 Meter

(c) 9.4607×1015 Meter

(d) 9.4607×1017 Meter


Q10. Where is headquarters of Centre of Development of Advanced Computing ?

(a) Pune

(b) New Delhi

(c) Kolkata

(d) Lucknow





Q1. (c)

Q2. (a)

Q3. (b)

Q4. (b)

Q5. (c)

Q6. (b)

Q7. (b)

Q8. (a)

Q9. (c)

Q10. (a)