Ancient India :- Shishunga Dynasty(413BC-345BC)



Shishunga Dynasty(413BC-345BC)



Shishunaga :-   

                           Nag-Dasak was the last ruler of Haryanka Dynasty and unworthy to rule. So the people was disgusted and outraged by the successive parricides of the successors of Udayin. And Magadha people appointed Shishunaga as  the king.

                           He temporarily shifted his capital to Vaishaly.

                           His most important achievement was the destruction of Pradyota Dynasty Avanti after 100 years of rivalry.


Kalasoka :-

                     Shishunaga was succeeded by his son Kalasoka.

                     Kalasoka also known as kakaravarna according puranas.

                     His dynasty was so important because he convinced Second Buddhist Council at Vaishali. 





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