Images Formed By Concave And convex Mirror



Images Formed By Concave And convex Mirror


Concave Mirror

Sl. No.

Position Of Object

Position Of Object

Size Of The Image

Nature Of The Image


At Infinty

At Focus

Very Small In size

Real and Inverted


Between Centre Of curvature and Infinty

Between Focus and Centre Of curvature

Small In Size

Real and Inverted


At Centre Of curvature

At Centre Of curvature

Equal In Size

Real and Inverted


Between Focus and Centre Of curvature

Between Centre Of curvature And Infinty

Large In Size

Real and Inverted


At Focus

At Infinity

Very Large In Size

Real and Inverted


Between Pole And Focus

Behind the Mirror

Large In Size

Virtual And Erect



Convex Mirror

Sl. No.

Position Of Object

Position Of Object

Size Of The Image

Nature Of The Image


At Infinty

At Focus

Very Small

Virtual And Erect


Infront Of Mirror

Between Pole And Focus

Small In Size

Virtual And Erect
