List Of Some Important Diseases Caused by Bacteria in Plants



Some Important Diseases Caused by Bacteria in Plants




Bacteria Name


Wilt Of Potato

Potato Plant

Pseudomonas solanacearum

Vascular System Of the Plant Destroy and Create Brown Ring in Xylem Tissue.

Black Arm Of Cotton

Cotton Plant

Xanthomonas Bacterium

Stomata or The Pores Of The Leaves Become Brown.

Bacterial Blight Of Rice

Rice Plant

Xanthomonas oryzae

Yellow Spot Appears In The Leaves.

Citrus Canker

Lomon Trees

Xanthomonas citri

Leaves, Branches etc Of Lemon Trees Are Affected By This Disease.

Tundu Disease Of Wheat

Wheat Plant

Corynebacterium tritici and Anguina tritici

Lower Part Of Leaves Fade Up After bending



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